Breanoh Lafayette-Brooks '02

Out of the many colleges and university what enticed to apply and come to Longwood?  

Longwood always felt like coming home to me. In fact, I grew up in Farmville, so I was able to utilize the Library for research and went to many Jarman theatre performances while in High School. I had applied to other schools too, but nothing could offer me the feeling that Longwood could.

Longwood's campus has always been bustling with tons of clubs and organizations. What were you involved with during your time at Longwood? Which was your favorite?

I had many friends in organizations and since I had to work and go to school, that left little time to be fully immersed. However, I was able to participate in the Longwood Forensics Society while it was still around. I also helped, when I could, with Commuter Student Events since I was a commuter for a few years. During my time living on campus, it was so much easier and fulfilling to participate in other campus organizations activities like mixers, fundraisers and community events.

Out of the mass amounts of memories you made at Longwood, what is your favorite memory and what is your favorite memory you would like to relive again?

There truly are so many memories I could mention. However, I think my favorite was late nights in the Forensics team office which was in Ruffner. I would walk back to my dorm in Wheeler or to my car and I always had to go through the Rotunda where Joan of Arc (Joanie on the Stoney) quietly sat. I always felt like she was watching over me and in those quiet moments under the Rotunda I always felt connected to the Longwood spirit. So connected, that some years later I got married at the Blackwell steps and even took bridal portraits under the Rotunda on the stairs.

Traditions have changed and devloped over the years, what is one of your all-time favorite Longwood Traditions and why?

Oktoberfest! I always looked forward to Oktoberfest. My car was even used in the parade once because I had a convertible. The theme was tangled in blue and we literally tangled my car in blue crepe paper. I loved the parade, the dancing and the spirit of the organization booths. I always had fun at Oktoberfest with my friends. I hope this tradition is able to carry on into the future because it has deep roots from when the Longwood Ladies years ago called it Carnival! It’s one of those traditions that connects us across generations. Another tradition that I still love to see on campus is Convocation. I was able to cap 2 friends as seniors in 2 different years. I LOVED making their caps and surprising them with their Longwood memories. But was honored when I asked my mom to cap me as a senior. I was actually going to graduate on her birthday and I felt that she had but just as much heart and soul into my education and I did and by her capping me, gave her the opportunity to share in the Longwood spirit. She had contacted many of my friends and they all shared stories and ideas of what to put on my cap. I think I was the only person to have a toy convertible decked out in blue crepe paper to remember the Oktoberfest parade where my car made a great float!

If you have had the opportunity to return to Longwood, did you notice a difference in student life now and then?

Yes! Everyone is on cell phones and texting their friends “I’m at D-Hall, where are you.” In a way, that hasn’t changed from when we would say “meet me at Blackwell and I will save you a seat”

Everyone has a favorite professor and a favorite class, what were yours and why?

Too many to mention! I was fortunate to take class with Dr, Jordan and did terribly, but I LOVED that class. I also had Dr. Kelly for Research Methods in Sociology – which was the hardest class I ever took – but she gave me a thicker skin and I got through it – truth be told – I use techniques from her class all the time. Of course every class I took with Bill Stuart was very memorable and entertaining whenever he used air quotes to talk about “Lasers” and  Ogres have “layers” when explaining the social penetration theory.

What was your favorite campus wide event that Longwood hosted during your years here?

I  truly enjoyed the Commencement Ceremony. I was the last class to graduate under the Longwood College name, but the first Communication Studies class to graduate in that major. It was a great way to say hello and good-bye all in one day.

With graduation right around the corner, what is some advice you can offer upcoming graduates before their final departure from Longwood?

Utilize your networks you have available. College is a wonderful experience, but it is still a means to an end. You need to show the world your amazing education with a great job. The ACAC, professors and even your fellow students can all help you with your job search and preparation. Be passionate and flexible when you enter the job arena.